Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Holidays

I just came back from Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Weird. Xue Jing's blog is retard. I can't seem to put any comments there. And about the Raymond thing, don't insult him. Plus there is a weird song everytime I visit it.

Anyway, my trip was super-cool. There was this place called Window To the World or something like that, and another cool place named Happy Valley, which I didn't go to because i didn't change enough money and the place didn't accept credit cards.

Oh, and I visited Hong Kong Disneyland. It was cool, kinda. There was this place where you could kinda drive your own car, but the steering wheel jerked every now and then.And there also was a shooting gallery where you shot stuff to get points.

The rest weren't so cool. I bought a Disneyland shirt there also. And something I didn't understand was why people kept giving out "Star Guest" stickers to children.I collected five stickers.

Hong Kong stuff are crazy expensive. Just one bottle of water cost HK$48. I bet if they migrated to Malaysia, they'll go bankrupt in a month.

That is all. See you in school, whoever is reading this right now.

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